1930 N Arboleda #201, Mesa, AZ 85213
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Mesa Arizona Estate Planning Attorney
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    Mesa, AZ 85213
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      Planning for the Future with Gunderson Denton

      The Shocking Truth About Asset Protection Planning

      Protect your assets from creditors and lawsuits with asset protection. Speak to a GDP attorney about your options.

      The Shocking Truth About Asset Protection Planning
      The goals of asset protection planning are to provide an incentive for settling a claim, improve the client’s bargaining position, offer options when a claim is asserted, and, ultimately, deter litigation.
      Mesa, AZ

      Some view asset protection planning with a skeptical eye. They believe there is a moral obligation to pay one’s debts. They think that asset protection planning is immoral because it prevents a creditor from collecting on a judgment entered by a court.

      The truth is the U.S. justice system is unpredictable. Defendants are faced with ever-expanding theories of liability, being sued just because they appear to have “deep pockets,” and judgments entered against them based on desired outcomes instead of the law.

      In this issue you will learn:

      • What asset protection planning is, and what it is not.
      • Your clients have already engaged in some form of asset funds procurement, and usually it isn’t enough. Hence, they resort to understand ways to procure Mezzanine loans from places like this site to suffice for the funds.
      • Attorneys may ethically and legally help clients protect their assets from future creditors, predators, and lawsuits. Contact family law attorneys in Illinois to help ensure that your assets are protected throughout the divorce proceedings.

      What Asset Protection Planning Is, and What it Is Not

      Asset protection planning is a legitimate form of wealth planning. Attorneys who engage in asset protection planning help their clients preserve and protect their property in advance of a claim or the threat of a claim. If you are looking for new property look at these perth house and land packages. The goals of asset protection planning are to provide an incentive for settling a claim, improve the client’s bargaining position, offer options when a claim is asserted, and, ultimately, deter litigation.

      On the other hand, asset protection planning is not about avoiding taxes, keeping secrets, hiding assets, or defrauding creditors.

      Planning Tip: Asset protection planning will not be effective to shield property from an existing claim. It must be done long before there is even the hint of a claim. Another good tip is to get your self some indemity insurance, Professional Indemnity Insurance by constructaquote.co.uk is what we would recommend. Attempting to help a client protect property after a lawsuit has already been threatened or filed could potentially subject the client’s attorney to professional misconduct, malpractice, civil liability, or even criminals.

      What Traditional Asset Protection Planning Is, and Why it Often Fails

      All of your clients have engaged in traditional asset protection planning at some point during their lives. The most common type of traditional asset protection planning is the purchase of liability insurance – automobile, homeowners, umbrella, officers and directors, malpractice, and the like. Unfortunately, liability insurance may actually encourage a lawsuit since it is perceived as “easy money.” Aside from this, liability insurance often fails due to inadequate coverage, extensive policy exclusions, or the carrier becoming insolvent.

      Another common type of traditional asset protection planning is the use of a business entity, such as a corporation, to segregate business assets and liabilities from personal assets and liabilities. While a corporation may shelter personal assets from a lawsuit filed against the corporation, the opposite is not true – if the shareholder of a corporation is personally sued, his or her shares of stock in the corporation are not protected from a judgment entered against them. Of course, it is possible that if certain corporate formalities are not observed, then the “corporate veil” may be pierced and the shareholder’s personal assets will become vulnerable to a judgment entered against the corporation.

      Finally, many states allow their residents to exempt specific assets from the claims of creditors. This may include protection for property owned jointly by spouses (“tenancy by the entirety” ownership), a primary residence (“protected homestead”), the cash value of life insurance, investments held in a retirement account, and annuities. Nonetheless, these state exemptions are often subject to limitations, such as placing a cap on the value or land area of the protected homestead.

      Planning Tip: Despite their limitations, traditional forms of asset protection planning should not be overlooked:

      When possible, clients should use liability insurance as the first line of defense against a claim.
      While a corporation that fails to observe corporate formalities may not provide adequate protection for the personal assets of its shareholders, other types of business entities, such as limited partnerships and limited liability companies, may be used to shield personal assets from liabilities.

      Married couples who are residents of a state that recognizes tenancy by the entirety, or own property located in a state that recognizes it, should make sure their jointly titled property is actually owned as tenants by the entirety and not as joint tenants.

      Residents need to be aware of the limitations of their state’s creditor exemptions and expand their protection beyond state exemptions where applicable.

      When Done Right, Asset Protection Planning is Completely Legal and Ethical

      Using all legal tools available to help a client protect their assets from future claims is consistent with the rules of professional conduct that govern the actions of attorneys. In fact, these rules require attorneys to pursue representation of their clients with diligence and advocacy. What these rules do not allow, however, is assisting or counseling a client in fraudulent or criminal conduct. One of the best ways to find a chapter 7 bankruptcy attorney is to ask other lawyers. Such professionals or lawyers fighting against criminal charges Fairfax work with each other on a regular basis and will be aware of each other’s reputations. Once a candidate has been selected it is important to organize a consultation with them to discuss your case. The attorney will then explain the entire process of filing for bankruptcy. Once familiar with the case they will also be able to advice, if there are other options available to clients because bankruptcy is a very big step to take; which cannot be reversed once it has been completed. If bankruptcy is the only option, the attorney will be able to advise as to the kinds of bankruptcy that are available to the client and the different pros and cons thereof. Even though the attorney has to ensure that the client fully understands everything, it will be the attorney’s responsibility to perform the actual filing and whatever is required during the process. You can check here Taunton Bankruptcy Lawyer it is a good experienced attorney.

      In order to ensure that the asset protection plan does not involve any fraudulent activity and will work if it is ever needed, practitioners must carefully interview his or her potential clients to determine if:

      • The client is about to be, or has already been, sued.
      • The client is about to, or has already, filed for bankruptcy with the commercial bankruptcy in scarborough me team
      • The client is delinquent in reporting and/or paying taxes.
      • The client is being audited by a taxing authority.
      • The client is directly or indirectly liable for any loans.
      • The client is solvent and will remain solvent after any property transfers.

      Planning Tip: Asset protection planning is a complex area of the law. Advisors must be knowledgeable about debtor/creditor laws, fraudulent transfers, tax planning, civil litigation, property laws, bankruptcy, and other related areas. This is to stop abusive lawsuits. Aside from this, advisors must do their due diligence in vetting potential clients and be well versed in both the design and the defense of asset protection plans.


      A lot of people thіnk bankruptcy wіреѕ оut any and аll dеbt оblіgаtіоnѕ, but thаt’ѕ not thе саѕе. You ѕtіll have tо pay uр, аnd hоw you’ll рау uр dереndѕ оn whаt kind of bаnkruрtсу you file: Chарtеr 7, Chарtеr 13, оr Chарtеr 11. There are other types of ѕресіfіс bаnkruрtсіеѕ, too (Chарtеr 12 іѕ for fаrmеrѕ аnd fishermen, fоr еxаmрlе), but thеѕе thrее аrе the mоѕt common.

      With a chapter 7 bankruptcy lawyer, you mау hаvе tо lіԛuіdаtе certain assets (like a саr оr a ѕесоnd hоmе) to рау оff аt lеаѕt some of thе dеbt. Mоѕt of уоur assets аrе probably exempt, but it depends оn уоur ѕtаtе, уоur financial ѕіtuаtіоn, аnd whеthеr оr nоt that asset is еѕѕеntіаl. According to a chapter 7 bankruptcy expert, you hаvе tо mееt сеrtаіn еlіgіbіlіtу rеԛuіrеmеntѕ tо fіlе, аnd іnсоmе іѕ реrhарѕ the mоѕt іmроrtаnt оnе.

      The Final Truth About Asset Protection Planning

      Clients may drive carefully and avoid getting into barroom brawls, but they can never completely avoid all activities that create liability. Asset protection planning is not only an ethical and acceptable form of wealth planning, but attorneys and other advisors who do not advocate this type of planning are doing their clients a disservice.

      Our Phoenix area estate planning attorneys are experienced at creating asset protection plans that are custom-tailored to each client’s family situation and financial status. Please call us if you have any questions about this type of planning and to arrange for asset protection consultations for your clients.

      Author Brent GundersonPrepared by the Advisors Forum
      Posted by

      Mesa Location:
      1930 N Arboleda #201
      Mesa, Arizona 85213
      Office: 480-655-7440
      Fax: 480-655-7099
      Email: contact@gundersondenton.com
      Website: GundersonDenton.com

      Phoenix Office:
      40 N Central Ave #1400
      Phoenix, AZ 85004
      Phone: 480-325-9937
      Website: https://gundersondenton.com/phoenix

      Lawyers for estate planning and immigration in Mesa, Arizona


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      Estate Planning

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      irs.gov - Estate Planning Info For Small Business And Self Employed Individuals

      irs.gov - Estate And Gift Taxes

      Estate Planning Resources And Tools From The Wealth Counsel

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