Arizona Trust, Estate & Business Planning Attorneys
Arizona Estate Planning Attorneys
Lawyers Helping to Plan For Loved Ones
Planning for the future of loved ones in the event of death or disability can be a difficult and confusing process to undertake. The lack of such planning, however, generally results in even greater difficulty and confusion for those left behind. The Arizona estate planning attorneys at Gunderson, Denton & Peterson can help guide you through this very important planning process for you and your loved ones. We provide full-service Estate and Arizona Business Planning Attorney services that can help you address the issues that are most important to your particular situation, family and loved ones.
Attorneys For Business Planning
Small business owners frequently have very specialized estate and arizona business planning attorney needs as they plan for the future of their business, family and loved ones. This is often done through thoughtful business succession planning, including carefully crafted shareholder agreements, tax planning and the like. We can assist you with this type of business planning and integrate it with your estate planning to ensure that business, family and all loved ones are provided for in the event of death or disability.
Begin your Estate Planning immediately with this Questionnaire (PDF format).
Estate Planning Attorney Legal Services
By way of example we provide the following services:
- Complete estate plans
- Trust agreements
- Wills
- Powers of Attorney for property
- Health Care Powers of Attorney and Living Wills
- Creating business entities to manage assets and optimize tax planning
- Tax evaluation & planning
- Estate plans for Non-U. S. Citizens
- Charitable planning, including deferred giving
- Asset Protection
More information on Business Planning.
More information about International Tax Planning and Offshore Trusts.
Arizona Business Law
Arizona Business Lawyers
Link about our Arizona Business Lawyers.Arizona Collections Law
Arizona Collections Lawyer
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Arizona Employment Lawyer
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Arizona Estate Planning Lawyer
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This link talks about our estate planning lawyers in Mesa Arizona. Arizona Franchise Law
Arizona Franchise Attorney
This link is about our Arizona Franchise Attorneys.Arizona Immigration Law
Arizona Immigration Attorney
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This link is regarding our Arizona Visa Lawyers. - EB-5 Immigration Visa
This page talks about EB-5 immigration visas. - Investor Visa
This page talks about investor visas by our immigration lawyers in Mesa. - Mesa Arizona Immigration Lawyer
This link is regarding our immigration attorneys in Mesa. Arizona Litigation Matters
- Arizona litigation lawyers
This link is about our litigation lawyers in Mesa Arizona. - Mesa Litigation Attorney
This link talks about out litigation lawyer in Mesa Arizona. Arizona Probate Law
Arizona Probate Lawyers
This link is about our Arizona probate lawyers.Arizona Real Estate Law
Arizona Real Estate Lawyers
This link is about our real estate lawyers in Mesa Arizona.- Phoenix Real Estate Lawyer
This link is about our knowledgeable real estate attorneys in Phoenix, Arizona.

Mesa, AZ 85213
Phone: 480-655-7440
Office Hours
Monday-Friday 8am-5pm